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Building your Law Of Attraction Momentum

tuning in to higher frequency-1What story do you tell yourself everyday? When you tell about it to yourself and other people does it give you a surge of energy flowing through your body? What kind of energy? Does it raise your vibration or does it pull you down? Remember that you are a vibrational being. What you think about and how you feel about it determines the frequency of your vibration. You must keep your vibration (thoughts and feelings) congruent with the kind of life you want to live. Here is a powerful suggestion I’d like to share with you. KEEP TELLING THIS STORY TO YOURSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN EVERYDAY TO BUILD YOUR LAW OF ATTRACTION (LOA) MOMENTUM. A TRULY POWERFUL SUGGESTION THAT WILL RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. I gathered this from one of my Ester Hicks (LOA guru) seminar collections- an excerpt. God bless!

I am on my way to feeling such freedom…

I am beginning to feel my power…

And it is really exciting to be at this age of life…

And knowing what I know…

I am so excited about what will be out there ahead of me…

And I believe…

My vibrational escrow is full of all kinds of wonderful things…

And that will be fun to watch them turn out the way that they will…

And I see evidence every day that the Universe is working on my behalf…

And more and more I am believing that I am really that blessed worthy person…

And the things are getting better and better…

And I wouldn’t for a moment want all of the things that I want to have all at once…

I want them to come the way that I can enjoy them…

And I want them to continue to expand…

And I believe that there will always be that gap that I will never get it done…

And so I am happy with the progress…

I don’t want it all at once…

I just want to be sure that I am moving on the right direction…

And I can tell by the way I feel that I am moving on the right direction…

I am feeling lighter, and freer and more optimistic and more hopeful…

And believing that things are going better…

And I am trusting that things are manifesting around that…

And if that doesn’t happen at once or even very quickly it is alright because I have got plenty of time…

And look at me, am I not a lucky one because here I am knowing what to do…

And there isn’t even a little part of me that doesn’t know that I am not

the creator of my own reality…

I know that I am…

I know that I create my own reality…

And I know that I can tell by the way I feel which way I am going…

And I can see how much good stuff has come to me already…

And I am really quite proud of how far I have come…

And I know I am not gonna stop wanting…

And I think it is time for me to stop worrying about the part that seems to be missing…

And start appreciating the parts that are there…

And there are so many of them that I could make a list right now,

of all the things that are going well in my life experience.