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The Law Of Attraction Is Fake?

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I kept my faith in this law for years. And for many years, it did not serve me as I expected it. And so I said, it was a myth. Fake, period. What a waste of time doing the exercises, experimenting and following the instructions of those who promoted this law and sold their books and seminars to people who hoped that it would really change their lives. But I was wrong. I was not doing it right. I was stupid.

The truth is- this law never fails to work for all of us. It works for us all the time. We receive the answer to our request from the Source all the time. It will always give us what we truly asked for as long as there is no dissonance or conflict between what your mind says and what your heart dictates. Unless you achieve harmony, the imbalance will keep frustrating you.

If you say you want harmonious relationships, but if you are conditioned to look for people’s fault or something to be wrong, or you want more money but you can’t help yourself thinking about your lack of money and opportunities, you will never have what you want. Instead, what you will get is what your heart is truly looking for or observing at the moment, which is the opposite. And what our heart is looking for becomes our reality. Yes, it starts from our thoughts in the beginning, but our feeling creates the reality of what we choose to believe in our heart.

Every day and every moment of each day we tend to create many things through our thoughts and feelings. In fact, John Wheeler, a physicist and colleague of Albert Einstein says that we are part of the Universe which is not finished yet. It is incomplete. It is still a work in progress Universe. And we as humans are tiny parts of this Universe searching for what is not there. By searching for something that is not actually there while expecting that that something exists, it will eventually become manifest. Greg Braden says- The act of us looking with the expectation that something is there is an act of creation unto itself. So, if you look for opportunity to earn more money with the expectation that the opportunity exists then it will eventually exist. If you look for a lump or something in your body that should not be there, with the expectation that it is there, then you will have it. In other words, consciousness is what creates our physical Universe.

UNIVERSE-3According to John Wheeler, we are participating or co-creating in this participatory Universe. Therefore, looking or asking for what we want lies between the Power of the Universe to create and our effort to participate in the creation. But it has to be done in the right manner that is in accordance with what science says. And science says that the power to change our bodies and our world is based on what we believe is true. We live our lives based on what we believe is true such as our abilities and our limitations and what other people tell us, what history and science tell us and our religions tell us(Greg Braden, paraphrased). Better make sure that what you believe is the right truth.

So, if we will only find the way to use our heart effectively to believe in what we think is already here in our lives by creating the right feeling about it, then we will be able to manifest it in our reality in an instant. And that’s what we call miracle. The question is, what’s the role of the heart in the creation process? Is heart more powerful than the mind? Didn’t Napoleon Hills say Think and Grow Rich. Did not James Allen say As A Man Thinketh?

Science says we are made of little particles of quantum energy. And this particle is very powerful. The particles of quantum energy can exist in one place or many places and everywhere. They are connected with one another no matter the distance. And they can communicate with the particles of the past, change that past and bring that change in the present. And because we are made of quantum particles, we can absolutely do what those particles can do. As human we can do everything that those particles can do based on what we believe to be true. And remember this- based on what we believe to be true, NOT IN OUR MIND, but what we BELIEVE IN OUR HEART. Not the mind, but the heart.

When I realized this truth, my perspective about the Law Of Attraction has been changed. My belief in this law became stronger and my point of attraction and power to create have become stronger and more effective with the involvement of my NLP techniques that are also inspired by this discovery. In time, I will share a few techniques on how to manifest based on the principles discussed above.

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Powerful Technique To Make Sure That The Law Of Attraction Will Always Work For You

BE GRATEFUL HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE that the Law Of Attraction will always work for you and not against you? There are so many ways to do that. However, this one right here is one of the most powerful techniques of all time.

Think of the most successful or wealthy person you know whether you know the person personally or not and imagine how he/she lives his/her life every day. If you think you feel envious or jealous about the success or wealth of that person, let it go. Do not entertain it. Instead, immediately say ‘Yes’ to how you believe he/she enjoys wealth and success. By saying yes to those things while holding the images in your awareness, the law of attraction will bring them to you. In time, they will manifest in your reality.

When you practice saying ‘Yes’ to this or that every day, you develop that sense of gratitude. And being grateful means you are thankful for the things or experiences that you already have even if in actual reality you don’t have them yet. Nature rewards those who are grateful for all the things they have received.

So, in your conscious awareness, go back to that image of the most successful or wealthy person you know and imagine how great his/ her life is. Then, say yes to the kind of life he/she is living and say it repeatedly for a number of times. Then, bring that thoughts into your heart. In your heart, focus your attention to it and then say “thank you” for a number of times. Make sure you feel that gratitude- that it really comes from the bottom of your heart. Remember, as I mentioned in one of my articles before, when you think through your heart you will never experience any sense of judgment- that’s how you know you are doing it right when you think through your heart. Be grateful for all the blessings the person has and for the wonderful life experiences he/she is living. In time, you will experience the same in your reality.

This technique works wonders especially in times when you experience frustrations or disappointments, resentment or anger, loneliness, fear and defeat. When you practice this technique, you shift your focus away from yourself and you learn to ignore the hardship caused by those challenges. And instead of attracting more of those difficulties into your life by holding those negative thoughts in your awareness, you are now telling the Universe, Yes- I want more positive and joyful life experiences. And they will come.

ONE THING YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER if you want the law of attraction to really work for you- The Universe does not take no for an answer. Whether you want that thing or not, if you hold it in your attention long enough, the Universe will bring it into your life, whether it is a positive or negative experience. So, be grateful for all the things you already have.

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Make Affirmation Work For You Once And For All


Let me reveal this powerful secret to you. It is for free and there is no catch. It is yours for personal use.

 Why affirmation doesn’t work for you in the first place while it works for other people? It is for the simple reason being your unconscious (feeling mind) does not agree with your conscious (thinking mind). You have probably heard about that already but not the simple solution I will share with you today. If you can make these two minds congruent with each other all the time all you want to achieve will be possible- business or career success, love, abundance, successful marriage, perfect relationship, peace, travel, etc. Imagine what your life would be if you could make those quantum possibilities your reality.

Most people recite their affirmation for what they want to be, do or have over and over again everyday so that when the subconscious mind hears the suggestion your body will act it out. It is supposed to be a powerful suggestion to the unconscious so that you become the person you want to be or live the life you dream about. To attract what they want in their lives, people say their affirmation coupled with the vision of the image of their goal. To break a pile of bricks, great martial artists would visualize their hand already passed through those bricks and not how their hand would break those bricks using enormous amount of power. It will be an effortless success when they finally execute the visualized action. However, it is not that easy for the ordinary people who do not know how to use the power they already have. And that’s the point I want to raise here- you should not use affirmation excessively to get what you want because it will only lead to disappointments and frustrations. The power comes from the affirmation that one recites. If you are just like me before, one day you will conclude you don’t have any use for it and you will finally junk the idea. You have that power whether you believe it or not, you just have to know how to use it.

Let me reveal to you this powerful secret. It is for free and there is no catch. It is yours for personal use. Read and understand this carefully. The Universe is filled with possibilities and for us to make one or many of those possibilities our reality we must learn to lock in those possibilities in our thoughts by choosing what we want and then create the feeling of that choice as if we already have it. Remember, it is how you feel it and not just how you say and envision it. Affirmation will only help you in this exercise to clarify what you want. Visualization will only help you in this exercise if you will be able to see the image in your heart and if you can create the feeling associated with the image of your vision. The power sits in the heart so you have to learn to create the feeling from the heart and not from the conscious mind (thinking mind). And there is only one simple gauge to know if you are doing it right– when you use your mind to create the feeling, you judge that feeling, but when you use your heart you create a feeling without judging the feeling you create. And remember, the only feeling you can create is either LOVE or HATRED.

Here is a simple illustration:

  1. Think about what you want. Saying it out loud once or twice in the form of an affirmation will help you to focus and create that image in your mind.
  2. From your conscious mind, fill your thought with some emotions like joy or happiness, or peace.
  3. Bring that thought or vision down into your heart and create the feeling of LOVE. To create the feeling of LOVE, you must exercise gratitude while focusing your attention in the heart area. LOVE here means unconditional love, no judgment. When you succeed in doing this, (it is not always easy if you are a novice), then milk that feeling and stay there for as long as you can.
  4. Finally, when you are done with the exercise you have to make sure you are connected with your feeling every day. How? – By thinking about your goal first then shifting your attention to your heart. Remember to spend more time in the heart area. And because you have chosen the feeling of having it already in your life, consider it done.

Building your Law Of Attraction Momentum

tuning in to higher frequency-1What story do you tell yourself everyday? When you tell about it to yourself and other people does it give you a surge of energy flowing through your body? What kind of energy? Does it raise your vibration or does it pull you down? Remember that you are a vibrational being. What you think about and how you feel about it determines the frequency of your vibration. You must keep your vibration (thoughts and feelings) congruent with the kind of life you want to live. Here is a powerful suggestion I’d like to share with you. KEEP TELLING THIS STORY TO YOURSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN EVERYDAY TO BUILD YOUR LAW OF ATTRACTION (LOA) MOMENTUM. A TRULY POWERFUL SUGGESTION THAT WILL RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. I gathered this from one of my Ester Hicks (LOA guru) seminar collections- an excerpt. God bless!

I am on my way to feeling such freedom…

I am beginning to feel my power…

And it is really exciting to be at this age of life…

And knowing what I know…

I am so excited about what will be out there ahead of me…

And I believe…

My vibrational escrow is full of all kinds of wonderful things…

And that will be fun to watch them turn out the way that they will…

And I see evidence every day that the Universe is working on my behalf…

And more and more I am believing that I am really that blessed worthy person…

And the things are getting better and better…

And I wouldn’t for a moment want all of the things that I want to have all at once…

I want them to come the way that I can enjoy them…

And I want them to continue to expand…

And I believe that there will always be that gap that I will never get it done…

And so I am happy with the progress…

I don’t want it all at once…

I just want to be sure that I am moving on the right direction…

And I can tell by the way I feel that I am moving on the right direction…

I am feeling lighter, and freer and more optimistic and more hopeful…

And believing that things are going better…

And I am trusting that things are manifesting around that…

And if that doesn’t happen at once or even very quickly it is alright because I have got plenty of time…

And look at me, am I not a lucky one because here I am knowing what to do…

And there isn’t even a little part of me that doesn’t know that I am not

the creator of my own reality…

I know that I am…

I know that I create my own reality…

And I know that I can tell by the way I feel which way I am going…

And I can see how much good stuff has come to me already…

And I am really quite proud of how far I have come…

And I know I am not gonna stop wanting…

And I think it is time for me to stop worrying about the part that seems to be missing…

And start appreciating the parts that are there…

And there are so many of them that I could make a list right now,

of all the things that are going well in my life experience.

An introduction to practical applications of Success Formula

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Most people who really haven’t experienced the power of attraction in a positive way will always have the tendency to feel anxious, stressed out, fearful, worried about money, thinking when they’ll get the next money for tomorrow as they see their money running out.

I remember the days when my son would sometimes get some money from my wallet without telling me for whatever reason like he needed extra money for his school allowance or to buy some things for himself. I would find out about it later that day because of my habit of checking my wallet before I leave the house. And there are two kinds of emotions that I always experienced. First, when finances is really tight my reaction would always be negative- like anger and anxiety. Second, when cash flow is good my reaction could be positive- like happiness and tolerance. Based on those two reactions you can guess the outcome of how I would treat my son when I see him later that day. Well, those were the days.

Nowadays, there are times that I still feel it when my wallet is getting thinner. There are also times that I
really don’t notice it. One thing is for sure- Now, I never react and behave in the same manner I used to do
before about the subject of money. Why? Because I have already changed my neurology and created a new neuro-path (through NLP) so that my brain would go that way all the time whenever there’s seem to be a money issue, regardless of its form or nature. And because of that new path, I now experience a new pattern of attitude and behavior that is positive in nature no matter the “thickness or thinness of my wallet”. And because of that positive mental attitude that I have all the time, I now attract and continue to attract positive cash flow into my life.

So, you may ask, what about that new-neuro path and what does that have to do with the law of attraction? Without the knowledge of NLP technology, we tend to follow the law of attraction teachings like visualization. We visualize what we want for a certain period of time like at least 15 minutes everyday hoping that our unconscious will just accept that which is. And then after that visualization part is done, our vision about what we want is gone. And we do it repeatedly everyday. That is, if we can sustain that enthusiasm to visualize. Most of the time we abandon that visualization or meditation task when our patience starts to fade. That is normal. That happens to most people.

Applying the power of attraction is tricky in such a way that we need to have that enough power to sustain that vision in our mind and of course with an intense feeling in our heart if we want to do it right and manifest faster than we expect. This is where the technology of NLP can help us. And there are a number of techniques that you can apply and find out which one will resonate with your desire.

Take a look at that visualization or meditation task. Do you know why most people lose their patience after some time doing the visualization or meditation for what they want to do, be or have? It is simply because they are programmed to slow down and diminish their belief or faith in any process when things are not turning out well so fast. Then, they begin to turn their attention to what they think is the most important thing to do. So, goodbye creation process.

NLP process can program your brain to create that vivid vision in your mind, extract the right emotions(desire) from your belly, and create the intense feeling in your heart and most important, to create your connection with that vision and feeling throughout the day without losing your patience. So that, after your visualization or meditation task for the day is done, your vision and feeling will not be gone. You will have that connection with your desire all the time that is required to bring your creation into your reality. And it all happens in the unconscious all the time. You see, our unconscious runs on autopilot and most of the programs it runs may not be good programs that is why you are reading this page. I want you to relax now and know that you can step on the break and stop that old programs and create new ones.

In my next posts, I will talk about some practical ways and exercises (in series of short articles) on how to apply NLP with LOA in practical ways. So keep in touch.

Until next time.