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An introduction to practical applications of Success Formula

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Most people who really haven’t experienced the power of attraction in a positive way will always have the tendency to feel anxious, stressed out, fearful, worried about money, thinking when they’ll get the next money for tomorrow as they see their money running out.

I remember the days when my son would sometimes get some money from my wallet without telling me for whatever reason like he needed extra money for his school allowance or to buy some things for himself. I would find out about it later that day because of my habit of checking my wallet before I leave the house. And there are two kinds of emotions that I always experienced. First, when finances is really tight my reaction would always be negative- like anger and anxiety. Second, when cash flow is good my reaction could be positive- like happiness and tolerance. Based on those two reactions you can guess the outcome of how I would treat my son when I see him later that day. Well, those were the days.

Nowadays, there are times that I still feel it when my wallet is getting thinner. There are also times that I
really don’t notice it. One thing is for sure- Now, I never react and behave in the same manner I used to do
before about the subject of money. Why? Because I have already changed my neurology and created a new neuro-path (through NLP) so that my brain would go that way all the time whenever there’s seem to be a money issue, regardless of its form or nature. And because of that new path, I now experience a new pattern of attitude and behavior that is positive in nature no matter the “thickness or thinness of my wallet”. And because of that positive mental attitude that I have all the time, I now attract and continue to attract positive cash flow into my life.

So, you may ask, what about that new-neuro path and what does that have to do with the law of attraction? Without the knowledge of NLP technology, we tend to follow the law of attraction teachings like visualization. We visualize what we want for a certain period of time like at least 15 minutes everyday hoping that our unconscious will just accept that which is. And then after that visualization part is done, our vision about what we want is gone. And we do it repeatedly everyday. That is, if we can sustain that enthusiasm to visualize. Most of the time we abandon that visualization or meditation task when our patience starts to fade. That is normal. That happens to most people.

Applying the power of attraction is tricky in such a way that we need to have that enough power to sustain that vision in our mind and of course with an intense feeling in our heart if we want to do it right and manifest faster than we expect. This is where the technology of NLP can help us. And there are a number of techniques that you can apply and find out which one will resonate with your desire.

Take a look at that visualization or meditation task. Do you know why most people lose their patience after some time doing the visualization or meditation for what they want to do, be or have? It is simply because they are programmed to slow down and diminish their belief or faith in any process when things are not turning out well so fast. Then, they begin to turn their attention to what they think is the most important thing to do. So, goodbye creation process.

NLP process can program your brain to create that vivid vision in your mind, extract the right emotions(desire) from your belly, and create the intense feeling in your heart and most important, to create your connection with that vision and feeling throughout the day without losing your patience. So that, after your visualization or meditation task for the day is done, your vision and feeling will not be gone. You will have that connection with your desire all the time that is required to bring your creation into your reality. And it all happens in the unconscious all the time. You see, our unconscious runs on autopilot and most of the programs it runs may not be good programs that is why you are reading this page. I want you to relax now and know that you can step on the break and stop that old programs and create new ones.

In my next posts, I will talk about some practical ways and exercises (in series of short articles) on how to apply NLP with LOA in practical ways. So keep in touch.

Until next time.